The UCT student wants to take an active part in ocean research and solutions.
Author: Admin

Showcasing Atlantic Ocean Capacity Building programmes in marine sciences
Side event organised by Thünen Institute, Leibniz Centre for Marine Tropical Research and Instituto de Oceanografia da FURG
The future Atlantic Ocean: Forecasting ecosystem functioning from microbiomes to fisheries
Side event at All Atlantic Conference 2021, organised by TRIATLAS, Blue-Action, MISSION ATLANTIC, and AtlantECO

Atlantic Pole to Pole: Climate Science 2 Policy
Side event at All Atlantic Conference 2021 organised by Blue-Action, MISSION ATLANTIC, SO-CHIC and TRIATLAS
Invitation to tender: “Ocean Health”
Three ESA Themes, apply by June 28th

Tropical Atlantic’s strongest current offsets climate change-induced low ocean oxygen levels
CORDIS writes on Peter Brandt article in Nature Geoscience.
Networking Friday with MISSION ATLANTIC
Friday April 30th, 1-3 PM UTC

Changing ocean currents modulate oxygen content at the equator
Long-term observations reveal complex interrelationships in Nature Geosciences study.
WCRP-CLIVAR Workshop on Climate Interactions among the Tropical Basins (Online)
Wednesday, February 24, 2021 to Friday, February 26, 2021
“At last, climate science may be able to predict tropical Atlantic weather better”
Hyacinth Nnamchi writes on the recent Nature Communications study in The Conversation.