The Cross-Atlantic Network of Excellence in Marine Science


The Cross-Atlantic Network of Excellence in Marine Science (CANEMS) is an initiative developed by the TRIATLAS project under WP10.

This network combines summer schools, student exchange programmes, sea-going training and academic teaching in a highly interdisciplinary and sustainable context.

CANEMS is intended to support young researchers not only during one certain period but to serve as network with a multi-year perspective so that several steps of their careers can be accomplished within the CANEMS community. This makes the CANEMS concept different to other interdisciplinary approaches which often have a stronger short-term component.

It is a new frame for South-South-North collaborations around the Atlantic and may therefore establish the foundation for a longer lasting science cooperation which has been established in parts of the North Atlantic (ICES) and Pacific (PICES).

The CANEMS portal provides you with information on resources, programmes and activities that will help improve human resources training in the institutions participating in TRIATLAS and other programmes in the Atlantic.

It is also an information point on initiatives proposed by TRIATLAS participants: summer schools, onboard training, student and researcher exchanges.

For more information about the CANEMS programme, contact us!


Combine the academic infrastructure and strength of TRIATLAS institutions to foster graduate studies in Marine Sciences in the Atlantic Ocean.

University programmes, potential supervisors and research themes, and funding opportunities will be advertised on the CANEMS portal.

Knowledge exchange within the network to strengthen individual programmes, foster a next generation of young scientists, and contribute to the scope of BG-08 and the Belém statement to promote and facilitate human capital development and scientific exchange.

Foster short term student visits to a foreign institution to attend courses and develop studies as part of a degree.

Implement cotutelle degree among universities participating in TRIATLAS.

Fund missions of scientists to lecture at graduate programmes from the network.

Promote the TRIATLAS Summer Schools/Workshops.

Promote hands on training in all fields of marine sciences on board of research vessels involved in TRIATLAS. [one_half padding=”0 5px 0 0″]