Presentations for the TRIATLAS second web GA trial 

See and read the presentations for the TRIATLAS second web GA trial, April 20th 2020.

Ana Fernandez Carrera (UVIGO)

Nitrogen fixation can support a substantial fraction of primary production in Brazilian waters.

Ndague Diogoul (UCAD, IRD, ISRA-CRODT)

Fine-scale vertical structure of sound-scattering layers over an east border upwelling system and its relationship to pelagic habitat characteristics.

Gaël Alory (IRD-LEGOS)

Coastal upwelling limitation by salinity-driven onshore geostrophic flow in the northern Gulf of Guinea.

Baye Mbaye (IRD)

Sardinella spawning season matches coastal retention patterns in the senegalese-Mauritanian upwelling system.

Noel Keenlyside (UiB, BCCR)

Climate prediction vs climate projections – Discussion on marine ecosystem applications in the tropical Atlantic.

Lander Crespo (UiB, BCCR)

A new perspective on the equatorial Atlantic seasonal cycle.