See and read the presentations for the TRIATLAS second web GA trial, April 20th 2020.
Ana Fernandez Carrera (UVIGO)
Nitrogen fixation can support a substantial fraction of primary production in Brazilian waters.
Ndague Diogoul (UCAD, IRD, ISRA-CRODT)
Fine-scale vertical structure of sound-scattering layers over an east border upwelling system and its relationship to pelagic habitat characteristics.
Gaël Alory (IRD-LEGOS)
Coastal upwelling limitation by salinity-driven onshore geostrophic flow in the northern Gulf of Guinea.
Baye Mbaye (IRD)
Sardinella spawning season matches coastal retention patterns in the senegalese-Mauritanian upwelling system.
Noel Keenlyside (UiB, BCCR)
Climate prediction vs climate projections – Discussion on marine ecosystem applications in the tropical Atlantic.
Lander Crespo (UiB, BCCR)
A new perspective on the equatorial Atlantic seasonal cycle.