From Financial Manager Robert Clarke, April 2021


Dear TRIATLAS partner,

We trust this message finds you all well.

As I am sure you are aware, the first period of the TRIATLAS project (H2020 Grant number GA 817578) ends on 30 November 2020.


The Commission will open the periodic report for completion in the ECAS (the European Commission’s online project management portal) after 30 November. If you are registered for your organization in the portal for the TRIATLAS project, you will receive an automated notification advising you that the report is available to complete.

That means that on the 1st December 2020, it is time for all partners in the TRIATLAS consortium to prepare and submit their first periodic project report.

The periodic report comprises two main parts, the technical report and the financial report.

  1. The technical report comprises part A and B, with part A and part B requiring narrative description of the work conducted in each work package. The technical report is  input into the portal by the coordinator. You will complete your contributions to the technical reporting and provide them to the work package leaders for incorporation of those contributions into the technical report. The submission of the technical part of the periodic report is coordinated by Nilgun via the work package leaders as per Nilgun’s email last month.
  2. The financial part of the report is commonly referred to as ‘FORM C’ and must be completed and submitted by each partner in  the EU’s online ECAS portal, to the project coordinator (The University of Bergen- ‘UiB’).

We attach the document ‘Guidelines Financial report_period2 (TRIATLAS)’ to assist the completion of your Form C.There is also detailed guidance on the portal on how to do this here.

In addition, complete the attached summary excel workbook detailing the effort (in person months) in the period with any deviations to the planned versus reported person months.

It is very important that if you report eligible costs in your financial statement that were not mentioned in Table 3.4b of the Grant Agreement, you provide a narrative explanation for these costs for inclusion in the reporting. This should be given in the attached excel workbook in the tab ‘Table 2 unforeseen costs’.

This ‘template’ workbook enables us to summarize the effort and cost by work package in a readily compilable format for preparation of the periodic report, and gives you the opportunity to explain any major deviations between planned and actual costs in the project period which we can bring in to the final use of resources summary we submit to the Commission.

Please  submit the workbook to me at this email address the coordinator via email by the 22nd December 2020.

The submission deadline of this first periodic report by the TRIATLAS Consortium to the European Commission is 29 January 2018.

We (UiB) need sufficient time to review the Form C submissions from each consortium partner, review and prepare the technical elements of the reporting (part A and B) and compile the narrative final report for the Commission. We also need to be sure that we have sufficient time to raise any clarifications or deal with any questions arising from your final financial and technical reports.


We therefore request that all members of the TRIATLAS consortium complete and submit their financial reports to the Coordinator by 22 December 2019. 

We trust you find this to be in order and look forward to receiving your reports in due course.



Robert Clarke