June 3rd, 13:30-15:00 (CEST). Side event at All Atlantic Conference 2021 organised by Thünen Institute, Leibniz Centre for Marine Tropical Research and Instituto de Oceanografia da FURG.
In this side event we will present several examples of Capacity Development programs, that will show different approaches of training and education in marine science. We will also present the structure and goals of the Joint Action of Work package 3 of the AANChOR project and the outcome of the discussions during the preceding Workshop (31 May – 1 June) on the implementation of the Joint Action.
Professor José Muelbert, work package leader in TRIATLAS, presented the CANEMS initiative. CANEMS is intended to support young researchers not only during one certain period but to serve as network with a multi-year perspective so that several steps of their careers can be accomplished within the CANEMS community. This makes the CANEMS concept different to other interdisciplinary approaches which often have a stronger short-term component.
Watch the presentations below, or on Youtube.