TRIATLAS scientists contribute to the WASCAL Floating University

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March 10th at 14:00 Cape Verde time / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET
West African students take you on a live tour across the working deck of a research vessel at sea. They share with you their experience of being in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and learning skills and technology to gain knowledge about our ocean.

The WASCAL Floating University is an academic training and research cruise, which took place on board the R/V Maria S. Merian in late February and early March, 2022. The research vessel sailed from Mindelo, Cape Verde, to Bremerhaven, Germany while students received hands-on training on field work studies. Later this year, TRIATLAS members from the University of Namibia will be participating in the TRAFFIC Project summer school in Durban, South Africa, both as instructors and students.

Watch the video to see a guided tour and interviews from the boat, moderated by Melissa Ndure – tour begins at 21 minutes into the stream.