August 27-29th the kickoff meeting for the TRIATLAS project was held in Bergen at the Scandic City Hotel. The Horizon 2020 project will develop over the coming four years, to build our knowledge of the status of the South and Tropical Atlantic marine ecosystems and their future evolution. The project gathers 35 institutions and organizations from 14 countries, to bridge the gaps in our understanding of these marine ecosystems.
Project coordinator is Professor Noel Keenlyside, co-leading with Heino Fock of the Thünen-Institut.
The TRIATLAS kick off meeting went very well. The exciting mix of expertise from Europe, Africa, and Brazil made for an interesting and stimulating 2.5 day meeting. Within these two days we came to know each other better, and were able to make key decisions on the work plan. I am confident we are heading for a very rewarding 4 year project.