Logos and color profile

If you plan any TRIATLAS related communication/dissemination activities, remember to include the EU logo, EU acknowledgments and the disclaimer:

“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 817578”.

“The work reflects only the author’s/authors’ view; the European Commission and their executive agency are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information the work contains.”

Additionally, please contact Communications Manager Andreas Hadsel Opsvik (andreas.opsvik@uib.no) about any communication and/or dissemination activities related to TRIATLAS.

Click the images for link to the full-sized logos.

Logos can also be used as a press kit by journalists or others when writing about the project, or otherwise produce journalism on the project.

Square logo


EU logo

Download the EU flag from the European Union website (High resolution, Normal reproduction in colour will work in most cases).

Color profile

The TRIATLAS color profile, in addition to black (#000000) and white (#ffffff) for general text and backgrounds, are:


HEX #244B56
RGB 36, 75, 86
HSV 193, 58, 34
CMYK 58, 13, 0, 66
LAB 30, -10, -11
RGB 141, 171, 235
HSV 221, 40, 92
CMYK 40, 27, 0, 8
LAB 70, 6, -35
RGB 121, 224, 255
HSV 194, 53, 100
CMYK 53, 12, 0, 0
LAB 84, -22, -24
HEX #5087D5
RGB 80, 135, 213
HSV 215, 62, 84
CMYK 62, 37, 0, 16
LAB 56, 6, -45
RGB 255, 229, 79
HSV 51, 69, 100
CMYK 0, 10, 69, 0
LAB 91, -7, 73