

Data generated by the TRIATLAS project will be linked here as they are published and openly accessible.

Please find updated table here

French PIRATA cruises: CTD-O2 dataBourlès Bernard, Rousselot Pierre, Grelet Jacques, Roubaud Fabrice, Bachelier Celine, Chuchla Remy, Gouriou Yves10.17882/51534CC-BY 4.0CTD-O2 (Conducticity-Temperature-Depth-Oxygen) data collected from 1997 to 2020 in the PIRATA program
French PIRATA cruises: S-ADCP dataBourlès Bernard, Herbert Gaëlle, Rousselot Pierre, Grelet Jacques10.17882/44635CC-BY 4.0Ship-mounted ADCP current data collected from 2011 to 2020 in the PIRATA program
French PIRATA cruises: MOORING ADCP dataBourlès Bernard, Llido Jerome, Rousselot Pierre, Habasque Jérémie, Grelet Jacques, Roubaud Fabrice, Bachelier Céline 10.17882/51557 CC-BY 4.0Velocity profile data collected from 2011 to 2020 in the PIRATA program
French PIRATA cruises: CHEMICAL ANALYSIS dataBourles Bernard, Baurand Francois, Hillion Sandrine, Rousselot Pierre, Grelet Jacques, Bachelier Celine, Roubaud Fabrice, Gouriou Yves, Chuchla Remy 10.17882/58141 CC-BY 4.0Bottle salinity, oxygen, pigment and nutrient data collected from 2005 to 2020 in the PIRATA program
French PIRATA cruises: LADCP data (and processing protocol)Bourles Bernard, Rousselot Pierre, Grelet Jacques, Marin Frederic, Roubaud Fabrice, Bachelier Celine, Gouriou Yves10.17882/71295 CC-BY 4.0Lowered ADCP current data collected from 2018 to 2019 in the PIRATA program
French PIRATA cruises: acoustic data
Habasque Jérémie, Bourlès Bernard, Bertrand Arnaud, Lebourges-Dhaussy Anne, Grelet Jacques, Rousselot Pierre10.17882/71379 CC-BY 4.0Echosound data collected from 2015 to 2020 in the PIRATA program
Zooplankton samples from Eastern tropical AtlanticHabasque Jérémie, Nowaczyk Antoine10.17882/58349 CC-BY 4.0Zooplankton samples acquired near each PIRATA buoy during FR26 survey. Oblique tows were conducted with bongo nets (300 µm mesh), towed between on average 200 m depth and the sea surface.
Water isotopes of sea water analyzed since 1998 at LOCEANReverdin Gilles, Pierre Catherine, Akhoudas Camille, Aloisi Giovanni, Benetti Marion, Bourlès Bernard, Demange Jérôme, Diverrès Denis, Gascard Jean-Claude, Le Goff Hervé, Lherminier Pascale, Lo Monaco Claire, Mercier Herle, Metzl Nicolas, Morisset Simon, Naamar Aïcha, Sallée Jean-Baptiste, Thierry Virginie, Holliday Penny, Kanzow Torsten, Yashayaev Igor, Olafsdottir Solveig, Houssais Marie-Noëlle, Waelbroeck Claire10.17882/71186 CC-BY 4.0Oxygen and hydrogen isotope (δ18O and δD) data collected globally between 1998 and 2019.
Sea Surface Salinity data from Voluntary Observing Ships NetworkDelcroix, T., Alory, G., Téchiné, P., Diverrès, D., Varillon, D., Cravatte, S., Gouriou, Y., Grelet, J., Jacquin, S., Kestenare, E., Maes, C., Morrow, R., Perrier, J., Reverdin, G.; Roubaud, F.10.6096/SSS-LEGOS Data policySea Surface Salinity TSG data from the French SSS Observation Service since 2002.
Multibeam bathymetry raw data (Kongsberg EM 122 entire dataset) of RV METEOR during cruise M158.Brandt, P.; Wölfl, A-C.10.1594/PANGAEA.924285CC-BY 4.0Multibeam bathymetry raw data was recorded in the Atlantic during cruise M158 that took place between 2019-09-19 and 2019-10-26. The data was collected using the ship's own Kongsberg EM 122
Multibeam bathymetry raw data (Kongsberg EM 122 entire dataset) of RV METEOR during cruise M159.Visbeck, M., Wölf, A-C.10.1594/PANGAEA.924176 CC-BY 4.0Multibeam bathymetry raw data was recorded in the Atlantic during cruise M159 that took place between 2019-10-29 and 2019-11-20. The data was collected using the ship's own Kongsberg EM 122.
Observed transport variability of the Atlantic Subtropical Cells and their connection to tropical sea surface temperature variabilityTuchen, F. P.; Lübbecke, J.; Brandt, P.; Fu, Y. 10.1594/PANGAEA.924917CC-BY 4.0In this study we provide the first observational estimate of transport variability associated with the horizontal branches of the Atlantic STCs in both hemispheres based on Argo float data and supplemented by reanalysis products.

Pre-existing data

Data- sets, bases and portals of observations and reanalysis publicly available

Big data portals / compilations / catalogues will inevitably overlap. For example, Argo data is distributed via Coriolis and CMEMS, CCHDO contains WOCE data, among others. Be aware when searching.
Due to the nature of the sources, the terms of use range from “mention us in the acknowledgements” to machine-readable licenses. Two Creative Commons licenses are the most common: CC-BY (must give proper attribution, generally via citation) and CC-BY-NC (must give proper attribution and cannot be used for commercial purposes). The exact form of citation is highly dependent on your data source and which data you use: the database in general, the individual provider(s) or project, etc.

Title/Name and URLLocationTime periodVariables measuredLicense/Terms of useNotes / TRIATLAS contact
Argo floatsGlobal2012-Temperature, salinity, O2, ChlAAcknowldegment of Argo, with DOIBrazilian Navy floats IDs: 5903132, 5903133
BGC-ArgoGlobal2014-BGC - O2, NO3, pH, ChlA, NO3, suspended particles, downwelling irradianceAcknowldegment of Argo, with DOIInteractive map to identify floats ID:
Sea Around UsGlobal1950-Fisheries - Reported and reconstructed catchCC-BY 4.0 Citation policy
FAO Fishery Statistical CollectionsGlobal, SE Atlantic1950-Fisheries - Total production, captures, number of fishersCC BY-NC- SA 3.0 IGO Open Data licensing
EcotaxaNE Brazil2010-In situ particle size distributionCitation: Picheral M, Colin S, Irisson J-O (2017). EcoTaxa, a tool for the taxonomic classification of images. Scanned image data is not yet available from NE Brazil. That is ongoing work in CT1 WP2.
Tara, SFB754 and Malaspina cruises are of interest.
PIRATA array Tropical Atlantic1997-Meteorology - Wind, air temperature, SLP, precipitation, radiation
Physical oceanography - Temperature, salinity, currents
Acknowledgement of TAO Project Office of NOAA/PMEL Moacyr Araujo
Ichthyoplankton surveys in the southern Brazilian region from 1970 to 2010Southwest Atlantic1970-2010Physical Oceanography - Temperature, Salinity
Biology - Fish eggs and larvae abundance, species
CC-BY 3.0
COPEPODGlobalmid-20thC -Phytoplankton & Zooplankton - Biomass, abundanceAcknowldedge original contributors
ICESNE Atlanticlate-19thC -Biology - Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Fish communities, Biological communities, Biological effects, Environmental contaminants, Fish trawl surveys, Catch statistics, Fish eggs and larvae, Fish stomach, Plankton, Vulnerable Marine EcosystemsICES Data policy
AquaMapsGlobalHistorical - 2100 projectionsEnvironmental variables: SST, salinity, primary productivity, sea ice concentration, oxygen.
Biology - Sharks, rays, bony fish, invertebrates, deep-sea species, marine mammals, open ocean species, distributions
CC-BY-NC 3.0 AquaMaps terms and conditions
OBISGlobal2000-Biology - Species distribution, diversity, abundance.CC-0 / CC-BY / CC-BY-NC OBIS Data policy
FishBaseGlobalHistorical observationsBiology - Fish taxonomy, biology, ecology, distributionCC-BY-NC 3.0 (*except photos)
SeaLifeBaseGlobalHistorical observationsBiology - Marine species biology and ecologyCC-BY-NC 3.0 (*except photos)
ICCATAtlantic OceanHIstorial ObservationsFisheries - Pelagic Fish Nominal Catch, Sample fishing statistics, fish sizes, tagging, stocks.Rules and procedures
CMEMSGlobal1992-Temperature, salinity, sea ice, currents, plankton, carbon...CMEMS license and dataset distribution statementNRT and processed data products from in-situ, satellite, model data, indices
A database of global marine commercial, small-scale, illegal and unreported fisheries catch 1950–2014Global1950-2014Official catch, fishing gear used, as well as estimates of illegal, unregulated and unreported catch (IUU) and discards at sea CC-BY 4.0Journal publication
Reanalysis.orgGlobal*Atmospheric and Oceanic reanalysis data from multiple sourcesCheck individual reanalyses' licenses!Wiki / portal with links to the reanalysis, allows for comments.
SeaDataNetGlobal1960-Cruises, observational sites, etc.all type of dataCite data source. License and Data Policy
CoriolisGlobal*Argo, ADCP, gliders, vessels, buoys, all type of dataCheck provider's license.Global Data Assembly Center. Overlaps with Argo, PIRATA and CMEMS entries above
eWOCEGlobal1988-1998Temperature, salinity, currents, sea level, nutrients, tracersAcknowledgement of the source PI and the reference for the data: WOCE Data Products Committee, 2002: WOCE Global Data, Version 3.0, WOCE International Project Office, WOCE Report No. 180/02, Southampton, UK.
CCHDOGlobal*Hydrographic CTD and bottle data Citation of the source and CCHDO.Includes data from WOCE program
ODISCatGlobal*Satellites, argo, gliders, vessels, etc., etc. all type of dataCheck individual dataset licensePreviously IODE Data sources
FAO Fishery and Aquaculture StatisticsGlobal1995-2015Societal: number of people employed at national levelCitation: FAO. 2019. FAO yearbook. Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics 2017/FAO annuaire. Statistiques des pêches et de l'aquaculture 2017/FAO anuario. Estadísticas de pesca y acuicultura 2017. Rome/Roma.Statistics booklet, no table
Shared Socioeconomic Pathways datasetGlobalProjections until 2100Societal: population and GDP development at national levelTerms of use


Observations not yet published and/or with restricted access

Important information about use and distribution of data described below:

  • Data that has SAEON or DEFF as a source (see “Contact for data access”) are governmental and require a Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) request in order to get the data. These data have restrictive terms of use that users must abide to: the data can only be used by the requester them, cannot be shared with anyone else and shall not be published. PAIA requests take a considerable amount of time to resolve and a single TRIATLAS request will be made. UCT who has kindly offered to assist by pointing the correct contact person and have ample experience with the process; it does NOT mean, however, that they can bypass the PAIA procedure.
  • Data with a “project data license” will have different terms of use depending on the individual projects. The table will be updated with more specific information as soon as we get the details. In many cases the contact person will provide the conditions of data sharing; citations and/or co-authorships are some of the most common requirements.


DescriptionLocationTime periodVariables measured, methodsTRIATLAS contactContact for data accessTerms of use
St Helena Bay Monitoring Line / TransectsSouthern Benguela - Central west coast shelf (St Helena Bay): Inshore to shelf break2000-2009CTD, nutrients, O2, ADCP, meso-zooplankton. Monthly Lynne Shannon ( Tarron Lamont (; SAEONRestricted
Sardine–Anchovy Recruitment Program / TransectsSouthern Benguela - Southern West coast shelf: Off Cape Peninsula1991-CTD, O2, Chla, meso-zooplankton (abundance, dryweight), sardine and anchovy ELH stages. Quarterly Lynne Shannon ( Tarron Lamont; Dr Carl van der Lingen (see above), DEFFRestricted
Meso-zoo obs / Tara stationsSouthern Benguela -Benguela Currentyear 2010Mesozooplankton abundance, CTD/Rosette. Lynne Shannon ( Stemmann (, Sorbonne UniversitéRestricted
St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) Mezo-zoo / TransectsSouthern Benguela -Central west coast shelf (St Helena Bay); Integrated (oblique hauls)1950s-1969, 1987-presentMesozooplankton -total copepod abundance, partially species-disaggregated Lynne Shannon ( Jenny Huggett (, DEFFRestricted
Pelagic Fisheries data (anchovy, sardine, redeye)Southern Benguela shelf1987-Fish -biodiversity, length distributions, maturity data, few stomach contents
Societal - number of jobs involved, number of people involved in different areas, setlements along the coast, poverty indicator, estimates of level of schooling, level of goverment funding support etc…
Lynne Shannon ( Carl van der Lingen (, DEFFRestricted
Demersal Fisheries dataSouthern Benguela shelf1987-Hakes, kinglip, monkfish, gunard... Lynne Shannon ( Deon Durholtz ( and Dr Carl van der Lingen (, DEFFRestricted
Linefish Fisheries dataSouthern Benguela shelf, inshoreFish biodiversity, abundance estimates, length distributions, some data; historic data available through SAEON Lynne Shannon ( Sven Kerwath (, DEFFRestricted
Lobster Fisheries dataSouthern Benguela shelf, inshoreWC Rock lobster – abundance, length distributions, maturity Lynne Shannon ( Andy Cockroft (, DEFFRestricted
Squid Fisheries dataSouthern Benguela shelf, inshoreChokka squid Lynne Shannon (
Commercial Fisheries dataSouthern Benguela -South Africa1950s-Catch: All commercial resources Lynne Shannon ( Carl van der Lingen (
Fisheries dataSouthern Benguela -South AfricaEffort: All commercial fleets Lynne Shannon ( Carl van der Lingen (
Whales / Top-predator surveysSouthern Benguela -South AfricaWhales Lynne Shannon ( Steve Kirkman (, DEFFRestricted
Seals / Top-predator surveysSouthern Benguela -South Africa1930?-Seals Lynne Shannon ( Steve Kirkman (, DEFFRestricted
Seabirds / Top-predator surveysSouthern Benguela -South Africa1960-Seabirds Lynne Shannon ( Azianewi Makhado (, DEFFRestricted
Satellite data / System-scaleSouthern Benguela - Sea surface1990sSST, ocean colour, derived indices of productivity Lynne Shannon ( Tarron Lamont (, DEEFRestricted
Conductivity, temperature, and depth / System-scaleSouthern Benguela - Surface to bottom1987-CTD, some nutrient, some O2, some chla. Spring, summer, autumn surveys Lynne Shannon ( Tarron Lamont (, DEEFRestricted
Sta Helena Bay MooringsSouthern Benguela - St Helena Bay inshoreHarmful Algal Blooms, O2 Lynne Shannon ( Grant Pitcher (, DEFFRestricted
St. Francis Bay MooringsSouthern Benguela - St Francis Bay Lynne Shannon (
Algoa Bay MooringsSouthern Benguela - Algoa Bay Lynne Shannon (
Agulhas System Climate Array (ASCA) MooringsSouthern Benguela - East London (= eastern Boundary of southern Benguela!) Lynne Shannon (
TRAFFIC / Meteor M153 cruisenBUS and sBUS; shelf to offshore2019, 2021 (planned in September)CTD, O2, Chla, Zooplankton biomassTim Dudeck (
GENUS and other cruisesnBUS and sBUS; shelf to offshore2002, 2009, 2013, 2014CTD, O2, Chla. Zooplankton biomass available by mid-2021Tim Dudeck (
Composite social indicatorsSouth Africa. Southern Cape region, extended to Western Cape Province2011-2020Social vulnerability indicators: personal disruption, housing, poverty, labor forces structures, fishing reliance and engagementAstrid Jarre (
Abraços Project SurveysNortheast Brazilian Coast2017 and 2018-Hydrological stations taking profiles with CTD-Rosette (+ O2 sensors, chlorophyll, PAR, transmissometer) and samples taken at 10 depth levels.
-Parameters sampled at all depths or at specific depths, depending on the case: nutrients, chlorophyll, pigments, phytoplankton, bacteria, oxygen, salinity, POM).
-Phytoplankton et zooplankton samples taken (phytoplankton, WP2 and Bongo nets at 65, 120, 300 and 500 m).
-Continuous acoustic measurements using EK 60 multifrequency echosounder (38, 70, 120 and 200 kHz).
-Continuous monitoring of surface temperature and salinity using TSG.
-Continuous current measurements with shipboard ADCP (75 kHz).
-Sampling of pelagic communities using Micronekton and Mesopelagic trawls.
-Sampling of demersal-benthic stocks using a bottom trawl.
-Sediment samples taken with Van Veen grab.
-Video images with Go Pro camera set up on various types of mounts: CTD, trawls, ship's deck, etc.
Dr. Thierry Frédou ( Bertrand ( data policy
Fisheries dataNortheast Brazilian Coast1950-2018Historical fisheries reconstructed data from FAO and Brazilian Government (official), ICCAT (tunas)Dr. Thierry Frédou ( Project (Arnaud Bertrand Camadas finas Project (Ralf Schwamborn data policy
SurveysNortheast Brazilian CoastSocietal (number of jobs, people, settlements...)- InterviewsDr. Thierry Frédou ( Carvalho ( data policy
Economic drivers of the NE Brazil shrimp fisheries and the Open Ocean Tuna fisheriesNorth East Brazil*SocietalDr. Thierry Frédou ( be delivered within CT2
Project Talude – CetaceansSouthwest Atlantic Ocean Slope, between Chuí and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)2009 - 2015Sightings: Species, number of individuals, densities, depth, distance from shore; skin/blubber biopsies; CTD.Jose H. Muelbert ( Di Tullio ( / Eduardo Resende Secchi ( data policy
Project Talude – SeabirdsSouthwest Atlantic Ocean Slope, between Chuí and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)2010 - 2015Sightings: Species, number of individuals, densities, depth, distance from shore, CTDJose H. Muelbert ( Bugoni ( / Eduardo Resende Secchi ( data policy
Project Talude – Meso-zooplanktonSouthwest Atlantic Ocean Slope, between Chuí and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)2011 - 2015Densities of key zooplanktonic species, depth, distance from shore, CTDJose H. Muelbert ( Muxagata ( / Eduardo Resende Secchi ( data policy
Project Talude – PhytoplanktonSouthwest Atlantic Ocean Slope, between Chuí and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)2012 - 2015Chemotaxonomy, clorophyll concentration, biomass, depth, distance from shore, CTDJose H. Muelbert ( Mendes ( / Eduardo Resende Secchi ( data policy
Project Talude – Mesopelagic fishSouthwest Atlantic Ocean Slope, between Chuí and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)2009 - 2015Species composition and density.Jose H. Muelbert ( Weigert ( / Eduardo Resende Secchi ( data policy
Projet Talude – ionscapesSouthwest Atlantic Ocean Slope, between Chuí and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)2012-2015Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) in copepods, euphausiids, amphipods, chaetognaths, salps and whole mixtureJose H. Muelbert ( Troina (, Eduardo Resende Secchi (, data policy
Projeto Talude main surveysSouthwest Atlantic Ocean Slope, between Chuí and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)2009 - 2015Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in particulate Organic Matter, zooplankton, fish, squid and cetaceansJose H. Muelbert ( Troina (, Eduardo Resende Secchi ( data policy
Estarte cruise ISouth and Southeast Brazilian continental margin (South Atlantic)October 2014Seawater samples: Depth, salinity, water temperature, salinity, DO, nutrients, carbonate systemJose H. Muelbert ( Rodrigo Kerr / FURG - rodrigokerr@furg.brProject data policy
Surveys in the southern Brazilian regionSouthern Brazilian Continental Shelf2005 and 2007Seawater samples: Total dissolved Silicate, radium isotopes 224Ra and 223Ra.Jose H. Muelbert ( data policy
Surveys in the southern Brazilian regionSouthern Brazilian Continental Shelf2004, 2005, 2007 and 2013Seawater samples: Total dissolved inorganic nitrogen, phosphate and silicate, and trace metal (Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, U, V and Zn)Jose H. Muelbert ( data policy
Monitoramento da Atividade Pesqueira do Estado de Santa CatarinaSanta Catarina State in Brazil2000-2019Industrial catch (not counting artisanal catch) including all types of fishes for the state of Santa Catarina in Brazil. These are monthly data (in kg)Jose H. Muelbert ( de Monitoramento da Atividade Pesqueira do Estado de Santa Catarina (permission needed; Dr. Regina Rodrigues)TBD
Projet Talude - CTDSouthwest Atlantic Ocean Slope, between Chuí and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)2009 - 2015CTDJose H. Muelbert ( Resende Secchi ( data policy
Hydrographic surveys in the southern Brazilian regionSouthern Brazilian Continental Shelf2004, 2005, 2007 and 2013Temperature and salinityJose H. Muelbert ( data policy
Hydrographic surveys in the southern Brazilian regionSouthern Brazilian Continental Shelf2004, 2005, 2007 and 2013Temperature and salinityJose H. Muelbert ( data policy
HamPelFish (Hamburg Pelagic Fish)whole Atlantic, Subarctic to Circumglobal Subtropical Front, > 400 stations on cruise transects from 13 cruises, meso-, epi- and bathypelagic1966-1986 (not a time series)mesopelagic fish species counts and lengths at various depths. TrawlingElaine McDonagh ( Heino Fock (, Dr. Henrike Andresen (, Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries
Electronic tagging and population structure of Atlantic bluefin tunaWestern Atlantic Ocean1996-2004Positions of 772 Atlantic bluefin tuna. Longline catch dataElaine McDonagh ( Barbara A Block;
Tagging data on yellowfin tuna from Ascension islandAscension Island2014-2016Spatial behavior and reproductive status. Satellite archival tags and conventional mark–recapture. Elaine McDonagh (

Model output available for Marine Ecosystem Models


Climate ModelExperimentVariablesTRIATLAS contactAccess
CNRM-ESM2-1piControlintpoc, intpp,o2, ph, phyc, phydiat, phymisc, pp, so, thetao, uo, vo, wo, zmeso, zmicro, zooc, siconcRoland Séférian ( available on ESGF and available upon request; model grid eORCA1L75 (1°-0.3°, 75 vertical levels)
historicalintpoc, intpp,o2, ph, phyc, phydiat, phymisc, pp, so, thetao, uo, vo, wo, zmeso, zmicro, zooc, siconcRoland Séférian ( available on ESGF and available upon request; model grid eORCA1L75 (1°-0.3°, 75 vertical levels)data available on ESGF and available upon request; model grid eORCA1L75 (1°-0.3°, 75 vertical levels)
SSP1-26intpoc, intpp,o2, ph, phyc, phydiat, phymisc, pp, so, thetao, uo, vo, wo, zmeso, zmicro, zooc, siconcRoland Séférian ( available on ESGF and available upon request; model grid eORCA1L75 (1°-0.3°, 75 vertical levels)
SSP5-85intpoc, intpp,o2, ph, phyc, phydiat, phymisc, pp, so, thetao, uo, vo, wo, zmeso, zmicro, zooc, siconcRoland Séférian ( available on ESGF and available upon request; model grid eORCA1L75 (1°-0.3°, 75 vertical levels)
IPSL-CM6A-LRpiControlexpc, intpoc, intpp,o2, ph, phyc, phydiat, phymisc, pp, so, thetao, uo, vo, wo, zmeso, zmicro, zooc, siconc
historicalexpc, intpoc, intpp,o2, ph, phyc, phydiat, phymisc, pp, so, thetao, uo, vo, wo, zmeso, zmicro, zooc, siconc
SSP1-26expc, intpoc, intpp,o2, ph, phyc, phydiat, phymisc, pp, so, thetao, uo, vo, wo, zmeso, zmicro, zooc, siconc
SSP5-85expc, intpoc, intpp,o2, ph, phyc, phydiat, phymisc, pp, so, thetao, uo, vo, wo, zmeso, zmicro, zooc, siconc
NorCPM1piControlintpp, o2, phyc, pp, so, thetao, uo, voLander Crespo ( via ESGF except ppint and pp. Alternatively, via NIRD.
historicalintpp, o2, phyc, pp, so, thetao, uo, voLander Crespo ( via ESGF except ppint and pp. Alternatively, via NIRD.
DCPPintpoc, intpp,o2, ph, phyc, pp, so, thetao, uo, vo, wo, zooc, siconcLander Crespo ( available via ESGF. Alternatively, via NIRD.
EC-Earth3piControlso, thetao, uo, vo, wo, siconcPablo Ortega (
historicalso, thetao, uo, vo, wo, siconcPablo Ortega (
SSP2-45so, thetao, uo, vo, wo, siconcPablo Ortega (
EcoOcean version 2Historical+SSP126+SSP585 (Monthly, 1950-2100)tcb, tpb, bp30cm, bp30to90cm; bp90cm; tdb; bd30cm; bd30to90cm;bd90cm; tc; tpc; co30cm; cp30to90cm; cp90cm; tdc; cd30cm; cd30to90cm; cd90cmJeroen Steenbeek, Marta Colldata available on the ISIMIP data portal according to the FishMIP data sharing policy
historicalb (small, med, large pelagics; small, med, large demersals)Jeroen Steenbeek
APECOSMHistorical + SSP126+SSP585 (Monthly, 1950-2100)tcb, tpb, bp30cm, bp30to90cm; bp90cm; tdb; bd30cm; bd30to90cm;bd90cm; tc; tpc; co30cm; cp30to90cm; cp90cm; tdc; cd30cm; cd30to90cm; cd90cmNicolas Barrier, Olivier Maurydata available on the ISIMIP data portal according to the FishMIP data sharing policy

For access to the internal data folder, please log in the Partner’s area (only for consortium members).