
2019, 19 Sep – 26 Oct, TRIATLAS cruise TRATLEQ 1

Lead scientists Peter Brandt and Rainer Kiko

  • cooperation between WP1 and WP2 with contributions to Synthesis WP5
  • very successful all measurements done in the eastern boundary upwelling region off Angola and along the equator from São Tomé to Brazil
  • physical and biological measurements, analysis underway
  • follow-on cruise off Brazil with similar measurements

2019, 13 Oct – 26 Nov, Atlantic Meridional Transect cruise AMT-29, Southampton – Punta Arenas, UVIGO, ULPGC

Reported by Emilio Marañón

2019, 24 Nov – 11 Dec, SOSMar cruise

Lead scientist Marcus Silva, reported by Moacyr Araújo

  • Two Legs on board of the R/V Vital de Oliveira: (i) Leg 1 (Maceio-Natal): 24 Nov – 2 Dec 2019; Leg 2 (Natal-Salvador): 7-11 Dec 2019;
  • very successful measurements done in the western boundary region off NE Brazil, pointing out flow-circulation interactions and derived mesoscale structures;
  • physical, chemical and biological measurements, analysis underway;
  • cooperation between WP1 and WP2 with contributions to Synthesis WP5;

2020, February 15 – March 23, PIRATA FR30 cruise

Reported by Bernard Bourlés

2020 March, first cruise in the SW Atlantic

Reported by Jose H. Muelbert

Delayed: 2020, September/October, planned SAMOC mooring deployment cruise

Delayed: 2021, spring, TRATLEQ 2

2021, February – April, PIRATA FR31 cruise

Reported by Bernard Bourlés

2021, March-May, Southeast Atlantic cruise

RV Sonne cruise including contribution from GEOMAR and INIP

  • cooperation between WP1 and WP2
  • mooring work and hydrographic section off Angola

2021, June-Auguts, central and western tropical Atlantic cruise

RV Sonne cruise, lead scientists Peter Brandt

  • cooperation between WP1 and WP2 with contributions to Synthesis WP5 and long time series CT2
  • mooring service of Cape Verde Ocean Observatory
  • mixing study in the central tropical North Atlantic
  • mooring service of central equatorial mooring
  • mooring service of western boundary current array in the tropical South Atlantic off Brazil
  • hydrographic and UVP sections off Brazil


Supplementary Material


(TRATLEQ 2 planned for spring 2021 to be similar)

Bathymetric map with cruise track of R/V METEOR cruise M158 – TRATLEQ 1 (gray solid line) including locations of conductivity-temperature-depths (CTD), underwater vision profiler (UVP), lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler (LADCP), acoustic zooplankton fish profiler (AZFP) stations, mooring recoveries/deployments, microstructure stations, multinet stations and SVP/CARTE surface drifter and Argo float releases. Also marked are the EEZ of countries passed and locations of PIRATA buoys along the cruise track.

Atlantic Meridional Transect cruise AMT-29 – UVIGO, ULPGC

Southampton – Punta Arenas, 13 Oct – 26 Nov 2019
Work conducted relevant for TRIATLAS WP2 (Deliverable D2.1)
 Daily stations: sampling for phytoplankton abundance, biomass and size structure
Experiments to assess the interactive effects of temperature and nutrients on microbial plankton abundance, size structure and biomass production.

SOSMar cruise:

Leg 1 (Maceio-Natal): 24 Nov – 2 Dec 2019;
Leg 2 (Natal-Salvador): 7-11 Dec 2019.

Bathymetric map with cruise track of R/V Vital de Oliveira cruise (dashed lines) including locations of conductivity-temperature-depths (CTD)/Sediment drag sampling. Physical measurements: TSG, CTD, ADCP. Chemical measurements: Rosette samplings for nutrients, HPAs, microplastics, horizontal net trawls for microplastics and sediment trappings for heavy metals and HPAs. Biological measurements: Horizontal and vertical net trawls for plankton (phyto/zoo), and benthonic community from sediment samples.

PIRATA FR30 (February 15 – March 23, 2020):

The PIRATA FR30 cruise will allow to replace the five meteo-oceanic buoys at 23°W-0°N (T-Flex), 0°E-0°N (ATLAS), 10°W-10°S (T-Flex), 10°W-6°S (T-Flex), 10°W-0°E (ATLAS)
The buoy deployed from 2013 at 6°S-8°E has broken free of its mooring and has gone adrift on August 8th 2019 (after same event in August 2018), certainly due to a new act of vandalism again this year. As this happened two times consecutively, this buoy will not be redeployed during the cruise FR30. However, it has been decided to deploy a meteo-oceanic buoy at 20°S-10°W (T-Flex) as part of a future southward extension of the PIRATA network.

The CO2 parameters sensor installed at 10°W-6°S will also be replaced, and a new one will be added at 10°W-0°N.

The ADCP currentmeter moorings at 10°W-0°N will be replaced.

Turbulence (Xpods) at 2 PIRATA sites (5 at 23°W-0°N and 5 at 10°W-0°N), and OTN sensors on the 6 buoys (one on each), will also be replaced.

The PIRATA FR30 cruise will allow to carrying out about 50 CTD-O2/LADCP profiles along sections at 10°W (repeated yearly), 0°E, 23°W, along with XBT profiles along the trackline.

22 Surface drifting buoys will be deployed (SVP-B provided by Meteo-France and NOAA/AOML) along with 5 ARGO profilers (including DeepArgo), and numerous sea water samplings (surface and during CTD-O2 casts) will be done for the analysis of dissolved oxygen, salinity, nutrients, carbon parameters (DIC, TA) and primary production (Chl pigments).

Acoustic measurements (along the vertical and the horizontal) and will also be carried out continuously.

First cruise in the SW Atlantic in March 2020 (postponed due to COVID-19):

We intend to conduct 2 cruises in the shelf break and a bit offshore around 32°S.

The cruises will be used to collect data to provide the following information:
For WP1, we plan to take CTD casts and ADCP measurements.
For WP2, water will be collected to study phytoplankton biomass, size structure, community structure and functional types. MultiNet samples will be used to study variability in zooplankton biomass, size structure, diversity and vertical migration. An Laser Optical Particle Counter (LOPC) will be used to look at size spectra distribution.
For WP3, we will use a Tucker Trawl to look at small and mesopelagic fauna biodiversity and distribution patterns, including vertical migration, and size structure.

We have plans to look at trophic relations using isotopes and biogeochemical fluxes, but are still working cruise plan to see if this will be possible.