Objectives, organisation, and format of summer school
Scientific Organising Committee
Noel Keenlyside (UiB, Norway), Lynne Shannon (UCT, South Africa), Mathieu Rouault (UCT, South Africa), Ronaldo Angelini (UFRN, Brazil) , Peter Brandt (GEOMAR, Germany), and Ralf Schwamborn (UFPE)
The main aim of the summer school was to initiate new interdisciplinary research needed to address issues facing the Atlantic related to the impacts of climate change and other anthropogenic factors (e.g., fisheries) on the marine ecosystem. A second aim of the summer school was to form long-lasting collaborations among researchers working on these issues within the TRIATLAS and related projects.
There were six days of lectures. The first day began with an introduction to the goals of the summer school and an overview of the TRIATLAS project. This was followed by three lectures on the marine ecosystems in the two focus regions of the TRIATLAS region (North East Brazil and Southern Benguela) and on the status of climate prediction in the Atlantic. In the afternoon the participants gave five minute presentations to introduce themselves. There was also a lecture on indicator time series of marine ecosystems.
The following four days covered physical oceanography and observations, climate and biophysical modelling and prediction, the human dimension, and marine ecosystem modelling. On each day, morning overview lectures provided the participants with a common background on observations, theory, analysis and modelling techniques. While in the afternoon group work provided a practical introduction to interdisciplinary research. There were five groups composed of expertise from the fields of oceanography, and climate and marine ecosystems research, and with a mix of early career and PhD and master students.
Early career researchers prepared the exercise on observations and oceanography (Mesmin Awo, Juliano Dani, Rodrigue Imbol, Philip Tuchen, Sadegh Yari) and on climate prediction (Hadi Bordbar, Lander Crespo, Iñigo Gómara, Arielle Stela Imbol). These researchers also let the discussions within their groups. At the end of these days the groups had 12 minutes present what they had learned.
On the final day the groups were given time to prepare presentations summarizing what they had learned, and what they thought were key gaps in understanding and important future research directions.