… with links to POSTERS in PDF
- P93: Trophic position and benthic-pelagic coupling changes along the depth gradient of habitats used by the Lane snapper, Lutjanus synagris in a tropical protected seascape
- P92: Preliminary study of phytoplankton biomass and pigment composition on Amazon Continental Shelf
- P90: Mesopelagic ichthyoplankton species distribution and composition in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean
- P89: Unusual onset of the 2021 Atlantic Niño
- P87: Interannual variability of the Guinea Current and its effect on the Gulf of Guinea coastal Upwelling
- P86: First Indicators of Mesopelagic fish biomass in the northern central off Angola
- P83: Contributions of decapod life history stages to the zooplankton in tropical estuarine, coastal and shelf waters – is the upgrade from abundance only to a semi-automatic quantification of biovolume and biomass relevant?
- P80: The role of small mesopelagic fish in the food web off Southern Brazil
- P77: Distribution patterns and biodiversity of pelagic and mesopelagic fauna in the Subtropical Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
- P71: Preliminary analysis of CO2 data from PIRATABR-2022 campaign
- P68: Uncoupled changes in phytoplankton biomass and size structure in the western tropical Atlantic
- P65: Physical processes in the Confluence region in Southern Brazil (key area 5)
- P56: Tropical Atlantic recent observations for thermocline depth, heat storage, and wind
- P78: Reconstruction of the marine carbonate system at the Western Tropical Atlantic: trends and variabilities on 20 years of PIRATA project
- P66: Stable isotope variability in a tropical zooplankton time series explained by its key species
- P61: Using otolith biochronologies from sardine (Sardinops sagax) in the southern Benguela to identify ecosystem shifts
- P60: Marine heatwaves in the Cape Peninsula Upwelling Cell
- P54: Disentangling the impact of Atlantic Niño on sea-air CO2 fluxes
- P39: The deep chlorophyll maximum in the tropical Atlantic: is it a phytoplankton biomass maximum?
- P36: Fisheries and environmental variables reveal migration patterns of albacore Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre, 1788) in the South Atlantic Ocean
- P88: Evaluation of Benguela Niño-Niña events in the CMIP6 historical simulations
- P85: Marine protected areas in face of global warming in the Tropical Western Atlantic (Brazilian Coast)
- P79: Ecosystem Interactions and Future Scenarios at the Amazon River Mouth
- P75: Global spatial-temporal trends of tuna ex-vessel price
- P70: Adaptation of a bi-frequency discrimination method to the copepods in the Senegalese coast
- P63: Variabilidade espaço-temporal da salinidade e transporte no Oceano Atlântico Tropical (N e NE do Brasil) baseados em dados observados e modelagem numérica
- P62: Quasi-decadal to interdecadal SST variability in the Benguela Upwelling System
- P58: A cooperative response to the paraíba oil spill incident: results from a tactical-operational exercise
- P34: A Lagrangian study of cross-basin, seasonal connection in the Tropical Atlantic
- P23: Spatial distribution of Caretta-Caretta turtle and the Florida current transports at interannual timescales
- P97: Influence of ENSO events on the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula