… with links to POSTERS in PDF
- P55: Seasonal Cycle of Sea Surface Salinity in the Angola Upwelling System
- P50: Analysing changes in mesopelagic biomass size spectra
- P45: Investigation of the surface and subsurface salinity wakes of tropical cyclones
- P44: Mesoscale dynamics in the northern Gulf of Guinea
- P33: A comparison of equatorial waves in two regions of the Atlantic separated by the Archipelago of St. Peter and St. Paul
- P31: Mesopelagic fish diversity across the Tropical and South Atlantic
- P30: Local ecological responses to global climate processes
- P27: How can coastally trapped waves explain the productivity season in coastal waters off Angola?
- P19: Investigation of the deep scattering layer along a trans-equatorial transect in the Atlantic Ocean
- P16: Climate and fishing simultaneously impact small pelagic fish in the southernmost tip of Africa
- P04: An inventory of dissolved oxygen conditions along the eastern boundary of tropical and subtropical Atlantic: building oxygen monitoring capacity in West African countries, 2013-2019
- P03: A global stratification product of the thermocline based on Argo observations
- P29: Population fluctuations predictability
- P24: Connection between marine ecosystems in the Tropical Atlantic via oceanic wave propagation
- P13: Marine Heat Waves in the Brazil Current system
- P08: Interaction between upwelling and marine heatwaves events in Cabo Frio/Rio de Janeiro
- P06: Subsurface marine heatwaves in the equatorial Atlantic
- P02: Marine heat waves: The added value of a high resolution regional climate model
- P49: Agulhas leakage influence on the Tropical Atlantic Variability Modes
- P48: Seasonal prediction of the teleconnections between ENSO and Atlantic Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems
- P41: Variability and predictability of chlorophyll in the major upwelling systems of the tropical Atlantic
- P40: Biogeochemical and Ecosystem Predictions
- P28: Observing and modelling diurnal ocean mixed layer in the eastern equatorial Atlantic
- P26: On the origin of the oil spill in northeast Brazil, 2019: A numerical approach
- P25: An Atlas of Climatic Predictors for the Senegal-Mauritania and Equatorial Atlantic Marine Ecosystem Regions
- P14: Towards EcoOcean v3: fostering the capacity of global marine ecosystem models to project the cumulative effects of change on the future ocean
- P95: Optimising Ocean Biogeochemical parameters in an Earth System Model using Ensemble Data Assimilation method in a Real Framework
- P10: The crucial role of international cooperation in deep-sea science: a case study of a 7-year French-Brazilian partnership
- P22: Dynamics of the Atlantic Marine Intertropical Convergence Zone
- P94: Extreme Compound Events in the tropical and South Atlantic
- P91: Predictability of climate-driven physical-biogeochemical processes in key regions of the tropical and south Atlantic
- P98: Marine heatwaves and availability of sardinella to coastal fisheries: the case of Angola, 1994-2015